Gua sampai sekarang pun masih tak faham kenapa puak Umno meroyan terus pasal kenyataan Bro Mat sabu, lepas tu kaitkan la pulak Mat Sabu sokong komunis, bila pulak Mat Sabut ni ada sebut komunis tu baik, yang mat sabu sebut Mat Indera salah seorang pejuang kemerdekaan ada la. Untuk mendapat kredit ini agaknya peluang fitnah juak2 umno untuk menarik perhatian rakyat terhadap parti yang sedang nazak ni.
Ok la komunis memang jahat, zalim masa mereka berazam nak memerintah, itu gua tak nak pertikaikan. Tapi penjajah british baik sangat ke sehingga juak2 umno ni beria2 mempertahankan mereka, macam maksum sungguh british ini sehingga kaki2 ampu dalam umno kata sanggup mati mempertahankannya. hebat sungguh penangan british ni. Pada kaki2 ampu dalam umno gua nak lu orang tengok sendiri kezaliman british macam cerita kat bawah ni:
A public inquiry into one of Britain's darkest postwar military incidents, the alleged massacre of 24 unarmed villagers by UK troops in Malaya, has moved a step closer after the official British historian of the "Malayan emergency" last week withdrew his account of the 1948 incident. Professor Anthony Short said his initial report absolving British troops was "wrong".
The plantation workers were shot by a 16-man patrol of the Scots Guards. Many of the victims' bodies were reported to have been mutilated, and the village of Batang Kali was burned to the ground.
The British government has refused to apologise for the incident or offer reparation, although ministers are currently reconsidering whether to launch an independent inquiry into the alleged massacre later this month, a move that could pave the way for compensation to families.
John Halford, a partner at the law firm Bindmans, who is acting for one of the few surviving eyewitnesses of the killings, said: "The families of those arbitrarily killed at Batang Kali have waited 62 years for an acknowledgement that what happened defied the most basic legal and moral standards."
Short, in an article entitled "The Malayan emergency and the Batang Kali incident", describes the shootings as a "matter of dispute, recrimination, dishonesty, disgrace and disguise".
Nak cerita lebih lanjut baca kat sini atau kat sini
Pada gua senang je sebelum 31 ogos 1957 british, adalah penjarah dan penjajah siapa yang menentang merupakan hero. tapi selepas 31 ogos 1957 bila tanah melayu merdeka siapa yang menentang dengan bersenjata adalah penjenyah. gua ulang BERSENJATA.
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